

Seasonal Produce

We thrive off the creative challenge of delivering a sustainable menu using seasonal produce. We offer many plant-based options – which we’re developing constantly – and always fresh, local ingredients that showcase the best of the season.

We buy locally wherever we can, and don’t buy further afield than Europe. We work hard to ensure that all our suppliers are both ethical and sustainable.

From Manor Farm Fruits to Packington Free Range Pork and Eggs, we’re passionate about working with local producers - helping us to minimise food miles and maximise freshness, quality and flavour…all while supporting our community.
We like to keep the journey from soil to kitchen as short as possible.

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All of our takeaway packaging is either recyclable or commutable we never use plastic and anything that is delivered is recycled and if it's not able to be recycled we reject it in the hope our suppliers think twice about using it again.


We don’t like it and try to keep this to a minimum at all times making sure our portion controls are reviewed to ensure our guests finish every last spoonful, as well as having different size portions to allow our guests to choose.

Any wasted food is collected by Fortress and is put through an Anaerobic Digestion Facility which turns the food waste into fertiliser for farming and green energy for homes. We operate 'To-Good-To-Go' at our venues which allow you to purchase bags of food for a low price which means less waste and you can enjoy in the comfort of your home.



Our Carbon Footprint

Our lights are all energy-saving LEDs, and our kitchen hobs and grills are induction – increasing efficiency and reducing indoor air pollution as well as being fully electric. We are always working on how our kitchens can reduce power and it's something that is taken into account each time we purchase a new piece of equipment.

We encourage our teams to use the Cycle to Work scheme we offer, as well as sharing lifts to work saving many miles have been saved by doing this. In June 2023 this totalled 2140 car miles.

We work on minimum deliveries so if we can we aim to have them every two days rather than every day on average this saves 7 deliveries of food a week alone.

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